A Horror Book Cover for a PhD on Stephen King’s It (1986)

Stephen King's It Phd book cover illustration

It makes me giddy to see a horror illustration on a university PhD cover 🤡

Vincent Neyt commissioned me to paint the cover of his PhD on how Stephen King wrote his classic novel ‘It’. Vincent lays out the history of the making of the book quite extensively, from the initial conceit to first edition printing. I think it will be of great interest to any King fan. Or if you’re into the art of writing, because it offers a nice look into King’s process of elevating suspense through his rewrites by comparing parts in the first and last draft of It.

The PhD can be downloaded on this page:
Turning the Thumbscrews Tighter | Stephen King At Work (uantwerpen.be)

Congrats, Vincent! Or I guess I should say Dr. Vincent now..

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